How to search a chest with a Falcon Scout in Fortnite
Many items you will use in your Fortnite game come from the chests you open before another player can get to them. Sometimes, searching for those items might be too dangerous, or you might want to complete the challenge where you need to use a Falcon Scout to open a chest on your behalf. The real trick is to track down these Falcon Scouts. Here’s what you need to know about how to search a chest with a Falcon Scout in Fortnite.
Where to find Falcon Scouts in Fortnite
Falcon Scouts can be a difficult item to locate. You have a chance for a Falcon Scout to appear whenever you attempt to open up a chest, but there’s a low chance of this happening. There’s a much higher chance of these items appearing when you’re looting an Oathbound chest, the larger silver ones nearly twice the size of the regular chests in Fortnite.
Related: How to scan players with a Falcon Scout and collect their schematic in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1
When you find a Falcon Scout, equip it as you would any other item, and you can freely use it. The Falcon Scout is a drone, so it does take away from your character, leaving them vulnerable to other players.
How to use a Falcon Scout to search a chest in Fortnite
When you activate your Falcon Scout, controlling it might be a little difficult. It can move forward, left, right, back, up, and down. You need to maneuver your Falcon Scout immediately in front of a chest, and you can open it as if your character were the one to open it using the same button you would. It will take a few seconds for the chest to open, and then the items will pop up, covering the ground with loot for you to grab. You will need to reach this chest to obtain the items, as the Falcon Scout cannot get them for you.
About the author
Zack Palm
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