Is the LeBron James in kindergarten photo real or fake? Exploring the truth behind the viral picture
The LeBron James kindergarten photo has been very popular over social media lately. This photo has caught the attention of many basketball fans and has been viewed by a few million people.
The photo compared LeBron to Michael Jordan, the two greatest basketball players of all time. While Jordan looks just like many other kids, James looks overweight, which is why many basketball fans have made fun of the photo.
However, it turns out that LeBron James' kindergarten photo is fake. The four-time NBA champion was not overweight at this age and the image was most likely photoshopped in an attempt to spread misinformation.
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Michael Jordan is still considered the greatest basketball player of all time. However, James recently became the NBA's all-time leading scorer and has shown no signs of slowing down, even at the age of 38.
Unfortunately, many basketball fans are still trying to discredit LeBron. Some have gone as far as photoshopping his childhood photos to make the LA Lakers star look bad.
The tweet above was posted on a parody Twitter account and should not be taken seriously. While many Twitter users understand this, some simply believe that the photo is real. The original post had several replies that contained the actual photo of LeBron when he was younger.
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The Twitter account that posted the image is well known for posting satirical content. Unfortunately, many basketball fans and even some analysts believe such posts and don't think they are fake.
The NBA's all-time leading scorer began playing basketball at a very early age. He had a lot of talent and potential in elementary school and was one of the best high school players in the nation.
The truth is that James takes good care of his body and spends over a million on it every year. Thanks to this, he's been able to stay athletic for more than two decades and hasn't slowed down yet, despite his age.
Will LeBron surpass Michael Jordan and become the greatest basketball player of all time?
The kindergarten photo may have been another attempt to discredit all the amazing accolades the Lakers forward has earned. But the truth is that he's getting much closer to surpassing Michael Jordan.
By becoming the NBA's all-time leading scorer, LeBron is already considered the greatest basketball player of all time by some fans.
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If the 4-time MVP wins another championship ring, he will surpass Jordan in the eyes of many basketball fans. Considering that the Lakers have been doing great lately, the Bulls legend could lose his top spot very soon.
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