
Which side of the road should I run on?

Always Face Traffic When running along the side of the road, the Road Runners Club of America recommends always running against traffic. Labeling the side you use as the right or left side depends on your direction, but the key is to always move in a direction so that oncoming traffic is headed straight toward you.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, are you supposed to run with or against traffic?7 Ways to Run Safely on the Road. When you run outside, you should run against traffic. When you do so, you can see cars coming at you on the same side of the road. This is much safer than having cars at your back.Similarly, are runners allowed to run on the road? The primary rule is that runners and all other pedestrians should stay off of any road where there is a sidewalk or other prepared path. Where there is no path they should use the extreme left side of the road and run facing traffic. A motorist must allow a pedestrian to complete the crossing. Keeping this in consideration, should you run with or against traffic UK? E When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run. Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross, in case there is any traffic you did not see, or in case other traffic appears suddenly. Look out for cyclists and motorcyclists travelling between lanes of traffic.Why do runners say left?Alert people when you are passing—don’t assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple “on your left” warning will suffice. When running on the track, respect the operating hours of the track.


Tisa Delillo

Update: 2024-06-29